Rupture of one of the connecting rods and, accordingly, damage to the cylinder block.

The reason: oil starvation, wear of the bearings of the crankshaft journals and overheating of the engine. It is dangerous to operate the vehicle as it Occurs due to damage to the gaskets of the block heads or skewing of the surface of the block heads as a result of partial overheating of the engine. It is dangerous to operate the car, as it can lead to engine seizure or connecting rod breakage and damage to Occurs due to wear of the connecting rod or main bearings of the crankshaft journals.

Knocking on the running engine in the area of the engine block Topping up and controlling the oil level can be driven for aĢ. Occurs due to the occurrence of piston rings, wear and ellipse in the engine cylinders, which leads to increased oil consumption. Increased oil consumption (more than 300 grams) with a mileage of 1000 km The most common option (on LEXUS cars of the European market, it is accompanied by blinking or periodic flashes of the indicator (red) of the oil level in the engine, on cars of the Americanġ.
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